IBPS PO Prelims 2018 : Memory Based Sitting Arrangement Puzzle

IBPS has conducted the Prelims Exam for the post of
Probationary Officers successfully across the country in the month of October
. The exam was conducted in four different slots. This article on IBPS
PO Prelims 2018 : Memory Based Sitting Arrangement Puzzle
consists of Circular
Arrangement and Linear Arrangement questions.

Meanwhile if you haven’t
read our previous article on 
Memory-Based Box Puzzle asked
IBPS PO prelims 2018, you can read now : Click Here 
IBPS PO Prelims 2018 : Memory Based Sitting Arrangement Puzzle

Circular Arrangement

Directions :Six friends A, B, C, D, E,
F traveling to six different cities Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai, Banglore and
Chennai. They are sitting around a circular table facing towards the center.

There are two people
traveling between the one who travels to Kolkata and A. There is only one person traveling between A
and the one who travels to Pune (either to the left or Right of A). F sits to
the immediate left of the one travelling to Pune. F doesn’t travels to Kolkata.
The person who is traveling to Mumbai sits to the immediate right of the one traveling
to Kolkata. There are two persons sitting between the those traveling to Mumbai
and Delhi. C sits to the immediate left of the one who travels to Mumbai. A,
who is traveling to Hyderabad sits to the immediate right of D. E don’t travel to

Solution :
While solving any puzzle
it’s very  important to choose the right statements first, inorder to
solve the puzzle as early as possible. But usually, we mess it up even with the
simple puzzles during the examination, and as a result end up wasting a lot of
our quality time.
Therefore inorder to avoid
the puzzle, we should first start with some Direct statements in which the
given information is easier to work with. So let’s start arranging the data
given in this puzzle having two variables. We will try to explain the solution
step by step.
In this Circular
Arrangement question, the first statement says that There are two people
traveling between Kolkata and A
. So we will first draw a circle and arrange
this data, accordingly. Next statement says that There is only one person
traveling between A and the one who travels to Pune (either to the left or
Right of A
. Now we need to make one more circle and make it a possibillity
case having two parts, as shown below.
circular arrangement
case (i)
circular arrangement
case (ii)
After this, the third and
the fourth statement says that F sits to the immediate left of the one
travelling to Pune and F doesn’t travels to Kolkata
. These statements make it
clear that only  case (i) follows and we should cancel the case (ii) as
it’s redundant now.
Furthermore, we will
arrange the next given statements saying The person traveling to Mumbai sits to
the immediate right of the one traveling to Kolkata
and then the statement
which says that There are two persons sitting between the those traveling to
Mumbai and Delhi.
This statement here makes no two different possibilities as
only one case is possible.
Now we will arrange the
last two statements – C sits to the immediate left of the one who travels to
Mumbai. A, who is traveling to Hyderabad sits to the immediate right of D. E don’t
travel to Pune
. And our Final Arrangement will look like as shown below.

IBPS PO Prelims 2018 : Memory Based Sitting Arrangement Puzzle
Final Circular Arrangement

Time taken to solve this puzzle is around 2 to 3
. Make sure to practice pretty well and arrange it within this time
period only, so that you can save some time for the other questions.

Linear Arrangement

Directions : Twelve
persons are sitting in two parallel lines in such a way that there are six
persons in each row at equidistant. A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in row-1
and they face towards south. P, Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in row-2 and they
face towards north. One person sitting on one row faces the other person of the other
P, who sits at one
of the ends of the row, is second to the right of T. A does not face P or T. A
is third to the left of F. There are two persons between Q and V. There is only
one person who sits between C and D. C and D do not face P. B is neighbour of C. S, who is not facing D, is not the neighbor of Q.

Solving Linear Arrangements questions
is easier than circular arrangements questions, if you pick up
or choose the right statements smartly.
Let’s start solving this
puzzle, we will be explaining the step by step process of arranging these data
in a short span of time. This Linear Arrangement question consists of only one
variable, so it will be easier to deal with as compared to other sitting arrangement
Quickly, first make two parallel lines representing row 1 & row 2, and
starting with the statement that P, who is sitting at one of the ends of the
row, is second to the right of T
. In this statement, only one case is possible,
since both P and T are facing north & if P is sitting second to the right
of T, then ultimately P cannot be made sit at the leftmost end of the line.
Next the statements, A does not face P or T. A is third
to the left of F
, again makes only one possible case. Now the statement which
says ‘There are two persons between Q and V‘, makes it clear that there’s a
possibility case as illustrated in the diagram below.
case (i)
case (ii)
Afterwards, the statements
here are connected which says There is only one person between C and D. C and D
do not face P. B is neighbour of C. As these instructions are direct, we will
try to arrange them as written above.
Lastly, the statement – S,
who does not face D, is not the neighbor of Q, makes it clear that only case
(ii) is possible, so we now eliminate the case (i) and proceed implementing the
remaining data. The final arrangement will look similar to the below shown
IBPS PO Prelims 2018 : Memory Based Sitting Arrangement Puzzle
Final Linear Arrangement
Time taken to solve this Linear Arrangement
question is again around 2 to 3 minutes, as here lies a possibility case too,
the same way how it was in Q.1 of circular arrangements. Make sure to practice
well and try to solve it within the same time period as mentioned.


Our final words would be that,solving puzzles is more about Smart Work and not
just about Hard Work. If you solve it wisely,then it will become a piece of
cake walk for you.

Thats all in this article, hope you find this article useful. Don’t forget to
share it with others. As said Sharing is Caring. 

You !!

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