Ease of Doing Business : Rank of India in 2018 ?

The World Bank has released its latest Doing Business Report (DBR) 2019, on 31st October, 2018 in New Delhi. As per the report, India has recorded a jump of 23 positions against its rank of 100 in 2017 and to be now placed at 77th rank among 190 countries assessed by World Bank. India’s leap of 23 ranks in the ease of doing business is significant considering the fact that India had improved its rank by 30 places, a rare feat for any large and diverse country like India. As a result, India has improved its rank by 53 positions in last 2 years and 65 positions in last 4 years.

Ease of doing business : rank of India in 2018

India’s Rank change in the last few years

• 2014 ranking – 142
• 2016 ranking – 130
• 2017 ranking – 100
• 2018 ranking – 77

The Doing Business assessment provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economics on ten parameters affecting a business through  its life cycle. The DBR usually ranks the countries on the basis of Distance to Frontier (DTF), a score that shows the gap of an economy to the global best practice.  This year, India’s DTF score has improved to 67.23 from 60.76 in the previous year.

India has improved its ranking in 6 out of 10 indicators and has moved closer to international best practices (Distance to Frontier score) on 7 out of the 10 indicators. But as per the reports, the most dramatic improvements have been registered in the indicators related to ‘Construction Permits’ and ‘Trading across Borders’. In the grant of construction permits, India’s rank improved from 181 in 2017 to 52 in 2018, which is an improvement of 129 ranks in a single year. While in Trading across Borders, India’s rank has improved by 66 positions moving from 146 in 2017 to 80 in 2018.

Important Highlights

• India jumps with 23 points in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report and improves to 77th rank from 100th of last year, among 190 countries.

New Zealand has ranked 1st and Singapore has ranked 2nd in the Ease of Doing business report.

• The World Bank has recognised India, as one of the top improvers for the last two consecutive year.

• India now ranks 1st in ease of doing business report among South Asian countries compared to 6th in 2014.

• Among BRICS countries, India now ranks 3rd in doing business report.

• India has shown highest improvement of 53 ranks in two years by any other developing or developed country since 2011. It is the first BRICS and South Asian nation to be recognised as the top improver in consecutive years.

That’s all in this short article, feel free to comment your feedback and suggestions if any. Keep Sharing and Happy Learning.

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